Birthpangs Blog

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A little information: as you may know, I already have an established website at BIRTHPANGS.ORG and I’d love to have your input.

On the website in the older section I covered false teachings such as the so-called Toronto Blessing , Word of Faith and the ‘New Apostolic Reformation’.

In my previous website (Banner Ministries) I had tackled all the foundational and root doctrines leading to the situation we have today. That information is presently archived on the website for any who need it. You might like to browse the index of files HERE.

That index file also contains links to all the NEW articles that I have begun to add to the website. They are more about devotional and prophetic subjects (the coming of Jesus Christ) and topical items.

On this blog I want to concentrate on today’s situation, and consider whether we are in the endtimes already. If so, what should we do?


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20 thoughts on “Birthpangs Blog

    • What do YOU think? On that site it’s all laid out! Here are just a few phrases from their blurb: “Every pastor is a Gatekeeper to their community.” “We need to connect the intercessors, Apostles, Evangelist, and Pastors with the Market Place businessmen” and “Satan will succeed at lowering the level of Holy Spirit power and purposes if we do not aggressively unite and connect all the streams, bodys, denominations and groups”.They also mention their close association with such as Apostle John Eckhardt and Dutch Sheets and you can find out what people like that teach online.


  1. Timo from Finland

    Thank you for good teaching. I am glad that I have found your teaching performance is also translated into Finnish. Blessings to your work. Greetings: Timo from Finland. ^_^


  2. Hi Tricia-. Glad I found your new site, it was a sad day when banner ministries shut down it was really helpful then as the G12 stuff from bogota was the way to reach the lost. Your site just confirmed my own feelings about the method and controlling factors within the structure. Now the restoration move is moving within church today where we have generals and army’s fighting to establish God’s kingdom here on earth and people believe it. Keep up the good work I love your articles that highlight the deception of ministries that would seek to twist the word of God to control and deceive those who are afraid to question what their leaders require from them. Keep up the good work.


  3. Submitted on 2011/11/08 at 9:55 pm
    Thank you for a great site and blog. I too am keenly aware but I stop short of saying disturbed only because I know God’s in control and His perfect plan cannot be thwarted. A friend just shared your link The Church Outside the Camp with me and I’ve already linked your blog and site to my own blog. God bless you sis!


  4. From John B.
    Tricia I have been a christian for 45 years. In recenty times I have been reflecting on just why the gospel is good news. My death is the best news I have ever heard. It is the beginning of Christ’sl ife in me and nothing else will do. It is wonderful to be forgiven but forgiveness does not help a lot if the root problem remains. I am the root problem and so to be crucified with Christ so that his purely holy lovely life might be in me is pure glory. Nothing else will do. So many thanks for your article “Yes we can”. Its the praise God.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I too want to say thank you. Though most of my adult I have been in “evangelical” churches, I was raised in a pentecostal church and still have family and friends in it. When I first got on-line in 2000 I happened upon your Banner website. I was stunned to read about what was going on in the charismatic/pentecostal churches. But it explained so much of what I was seeing and opened my eyes to understand how well-meaning Christians can become so deceived. It is still valuable information especially as there are still some old-time pentecostals out there wondering what has happened. When you closed the site I copied as many files as I could but am glad to hear that you will keep them available.


  6. Tricia, I thank you for this blog, and for all that has preceded it, including your Banner Ministries website. I have been revisiting some of the articles you wrote, and can really see that some of what you warned about in the earlier articles on the site has been proved to be so, more than 20 years later.
    Tricia, you were such a help to me back in 1995, when I was beginning to question so much of what I had seen and been taught; I had been deeply immersed in much false teaching over the years, such as Heavy Shepherding, etc. This, for me, culminated in the “Toronto Experience”. It was Watchmen, divinely-ordained and called, such as yourself, who were used to bring me out of falsehood and into truth concerning these false teachings, and I was enabled to set my feet on firm ground once again with the Lord directing my steps.
    A dear brother and sister, in a previous comment, mentioned your Derby meetings with much fondness; as a Derby girl myself, I can say a big “Amen” to that!
    I am now in London, where I am in a sound, loving and supportive church in Finsbury Park, but I will always be grateful for your servant’s heart, your ministry, and those wonderful meetings already referred to.
    His hand is upon you, dear sister, and I thank God for you. I will certainly be recommending your site to others, and I pray that they, too, derive the benefit from it that I am.
    With all my love in Him,

    Sally R


  7. Author : Michele
    E-mail :
    Comment: From Michelle (sorry this went into the spam folder by mistake so I’ve reposted it for you :))
    Dear Tricia, thank you VERY much for all your work and input. It is still much needed. The Lord bless you.


  8. In response, the articles do have individual links, but if you use the banner URL you have to hover your mouse over the article link on the article index page to see the link at the bottom of your browser. If however you go direct to the site, you WILL see the articles links.


  9. Submitted by email:
    realname: Visiting
    comment: I posted the following on the comment section on this link but when I clicked on Submit it repeatedly gave an Error message.

    Tricia, I came across your excellent Cross+Word articles years after they were written. I was in a Charismatic church for years and won’t go into what was going on, but I’m glad your articles were available. Truth is never dated. The book War on the Saints was written years ago about happenings at that time, but it was enlightening and relevant when I read it and I’m thankful for it.

    Today I tried to retrieve the link I had saved for the article on Cross+Word called “Counterfeit Spiritual Gifts, a testimony of deception” by Gayle Rogers, to send to a friend but the link no longer works. I hope it can be reposted.

    On the site each article has the link for the main page. I hope there can be a way to link to specific articles.

    Thank you.
    [please note that comments are moderated, and you do need to leave your name and your real email address or your comment will not be seen.


  10. Dear Tricia, I would like to echo Robert’s point and say that I too would be very grateful to have access to the excellent articles and research of the old banner site. Your writings have been and are being used by the Lord to help open people’s eyes to the truth. Thank you and God bless you.


  11. Hi folks. Robert has made a very good point I believe. It has forced me to undergo a bit of a rethink, and I’ll be making more distinct links from this site to the older archived material of (My Banner Ministries Cross+Word website). I trust this will be useful to many. If you find any of the old links could you help me by updaing them? Thanks.


  12. Hi Tricia, Glad to see a face from the past.
    We remember the good week-ends up at Derby
    so many years ago.-what a blessing they were. We have for the last 4 years found wonderful fellowship at Calvary chapels-Oxford!
    Every blessing,
    Dave & Frances Osborn.
    P.S. Thanks for all you did.


  13. Tricia, we sent the following letter to David. Dear David,

    We were very distressed when we went to access some of Tricia’s articles today only to find the site closed. We find her research to be invaluable and we are constantly referring others to the site who are just now coming out of false teachings. Please, would you consider letting us maintain the site and all of Tricia’s articles and work. It is still very relevant to those who we speak to.

    Even as I write you this I have churches and pastors in Texas that want to see more material. I was contacted just today by a lady who had said she had read some of the material, forwarded the info to her pastor who was excited to look at it, only to find the link was gone. If she had not hard copied the material he would not have believed her. Because she did, he was able to increase his knowledge and cancel a meeting his church had planned with Elijah House. They both wanted to read the entire article, and we had only sent them part 8 of that particular article.

    I do not consider the works of the late Dr. Walter Martin or A.W.Tozer to be outdated. In the same fashion I do not consider Tricia’s material to be outdated.

    Please, I can’t stress enough the need to have this available. We will gladly keep it going whatever we have to do.

    In His Service,

    We have been doing apologetics ministry since 1982. Your information has been invaluable. Every single day people ask us for more info, and now we can’t access it. I’m sure there are other sites out there, but we have never found any of the caliber of yours. Please don’t let the material die. It is still being used to pull them out of the fire by me. You remain in my prayers and my wife’s prayers as you have all these years.


  14. Thank you very much for your comment on my Birthpangs blog. (Few people visit here, and as you say, it’s unpopular to speak out, even amongst Christians). God bless you for becoming a watchman, a speaker of truth, one who blows the trumpet of warning!!! I pray you will always be protected from evil, and the unkind malicious words of others.

    The website is still alive, but the task there was completed some years ago. The articles are available for people to read. God called me away from that part of the ministry, and also I went into retirement. I had not thought to do any more, but it was on my heart to speak out about the soon coming of the Lord. So I also began, as a personal website. I recently placed a few banner articles here, so they would be preserved, and to show people the background to the errors. (But I no longer add to them.)

    I still believe there is a need for discernment and for speaking out against error, but it has changed since I began in the mid 1980’s. At that time few were aware, and few were working openly to expose the heresies. Now, all these things are known and available, and there is an abundance of websites and blogs (and so on) – so I would only duplicate what others do – and not as well. My time is over, I have completed my task, and God has moved me on. It is the time for others to take over now.


  15. Hallo ! My name is Ales. I am from Czech Republic. Your pages (Banner Ministry and other pages) inspired me (9 years ago) to establishe apologetic research pages in Czech Republick ( Hence I was excommunicated from Pentecostal church. I know that discernment ministry is very unpopular and attacked by evil. Would you be so kind and tell me why did you escaped Banner Ministry? Your articles helped me to find very important information and many Christians in Czech Republic were blessed through your articles. I wish you God protection and blessing from Lord Jesus!



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