We Are All Alike

Today I read a news report that totally sickened and disgusted me. Having said that, it’s not an unusual circumstance these days! However, the report affected me so badly that I cried out to the Lord, “what sort of person DOES that??

I’m not going to spell out in detail what this twisted individual did, because it’s not appropriate, apart from giving an illustration of what I mean.

Just take it from me, this person is the worst of the worst – selfish, psychotic, murderous, depraved, cruel – and if you really want to know the details you can look them up for yourself here. (However, the point of this blog post is not the actions of this person, as you will see as you read on.) Continue reading

What Jesus Gave Up

Jesus_Sheep-01Jesus laid down his life for us. We nod our heads and go uh-huh. But wait a moment; Jesus didn’t just give his life in DYING but in LIVING. What do I mean by that?

Have we become so familiar with the concept of the sacrificial DEATH of Jesus on the cross that we haven’t considered what his obedience cost him during the 30 years (or thereabouts) beforehand, during all those years of his LIFE? I would like you to consider that now, if you would. Continue reading

Is it time to install the God OS?

broken_computerThe God Operating System is what we desperately need to replace our own defective one. And I do mean replace, not over-install!

In struggling to convey the vital and basic truth that WE CANNOT but GOD WILL, I came up with this parable that I hope is simple enough to grasp.
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