A Personal Post

This is an unusual post for me, because I am just sharing my recent thoughts and prayers, and asking for your feelings and conclusions. The reason is, I’m thinking the time has come to stop posting to this blog.

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Christmas Concepts: A Look at the Facts

As it’s coming up to one of the most important dates in the Christian Calendar, December 25th, I thought I’d take a brief look at some of the misconceptions surrounding the biblical accounts of the birth of Jesus. We ought to be accurate about what the bible actually teaches us, not follow commonly held assumptions or out-and-out myths. I will look at five questions:

  • What date was Jesus born?
  • What year was Jesus born?
  • Where was Jesus born?
  • When did the Magi visit?
  • What do angels look like?
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I Was a Spiritual Hoarder

I’m generally a very tidy person, and don’t like clutter and mess, but recently I have realised something about my life that has burdened me over the years and sometimes robbed me of the joy and peace I should know in God.

Inside, my life looks like that of the “bag-lady” in the cover photo, or like one of those hoarder’s homes! (I probably should have titled this “Emotional Hoarder” but this is about my spiritual life as much, or more, than about my emotions, so I’ll leave it as it is.)

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Common Mistakes We Make About Genesis

I’d like to address a couple of common errors people make when they talk about events in Genesis. Perhaps you do this, and it’s easy to just copy what others say without checking it out. Certainly the world makes many assumptions, from which they pour scorn on Genesis, but also Christians repeat some of the same errors.

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That Halloween Debate Again

In an attempt to do the impossible, I am going to try to present the truth about Halloween, in the hopes that more Christians will stop “celebrating” it in any way. It is not possible to Christianise a pagan festival, and one so rooted in death and the afterlife is extra hard to clean up sufficiently to make it acceptable to believers and their children.

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The Roots of Today’s Apostasy

Many of us are aware of a huge movement called the NAR, New Apostolic Reformation, but how many know that its roots go back to the religious error of previous generations?

The basic doctrines of an endtimes “latter rain” revival, the restoration of the earth and its people, the dominion of apostles and prophets, and a new outpouring of miraculous gifts, signs and wonders – all this and more has grown out the soil of previous preachers and writers, many of whom are forgotten names today.

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The Great Apostasy – of Christians?

I realise this post may be contentious and it’s not my desire to start a heated discussion, but at this time in our history I think it’s important to ask the question and seek God’s word for the answer: is it possible for a Christian to fall away from the faith?

From all my reading of the bible, it seems to me God has amply warned about losing the free gift of salvation. That is because it is received by FAITH, and if faith turns to unbelief, and even worse, the worship of another god (idols, the world, self, alternative beliefs etc) then salvation is being shoved back on the shelf and replaced by something that perhaps seems similar but is not God’s truth.

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The Christ I Never Met At Church

By Cheryl McGrath “Bread for the Bride

For the Son of God, Christ Jesus, who was preached among you by us…2 Cor. 1:19

In 2001, after forty years of regular attendance, and at Holy Spirit’s leading, I ceased participating in the institutional church (IC). I know that many who follow Bread for the Bride have a similar story. I am grateful for all I learned during those years with the IC and I know that God had His purpose for that season. But rarely, if ever, in any IC setting, did I hear the preaching of Christ.

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Don’t Join the Church of Laodicea

Is the focus on my kingship, or Jesus the King? When Jesus commanded that letters be sent to all the churches, the only one without any commendation was Laodicea. (See Revl 3:14-22)

Also, if you see the letters as prophetic, starting at the early Church (Ephesus), then Laodicea would represent today’s endtimes church. They were lukewarm, wealthy in goods only, “wretched, poor, blind and naked“. They did not have the white robes of sanctification, and they were blind to the truth of the gospel.

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Should the Book of Enoch be in the Bible?

Recently I have seen many people (both Christians and non-Christians) arguing for the inclusion of the Book of Enoch in the bible, indeed, demanding to know why this book was not included. As you will see, there are many valid reasons why this Book is not “canonical”, that is, cannot be accepted as the inspired work of the Holy Spirit.

The Book of Enoch was known of and quoted from the earliest centuries, but the publication, in the early 1950s, of the first Aramaic fragments of 1 Enoch among the Dead Sea Scrolls profoundly changed the study of the document, as it provided evidence of its antiquity and original text. The official translation of all Enoch fragments appeared in 1976, by Jozef Milik.

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Who Is The Man of Sin?

Further to my previous post showing that the Man of Sin will arise “from out of the midst” I want to make the point (demonstrated in Revelation as well as Thessalonians) that the Man of Sin is the False Prophet, not the “Beast” from the abyss.

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The Holy Spirit Will NOT “Be Removed”


I know this will be contentious, especially with those who trust in a pre-trib Rapture, but we owe it to ourselves to believe what the Word of God says, not base our hopes on anything else. So I beg you to read this with an open mind.

The passage I will refer to is found in Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians, chapter two.

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Why Was The Tree of Knowledge in Eden?

I’m going to throw out some thoughts about the original creation, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which as we know was forbidden fruit on orders of God. So the question that arises is, why did God put it in the Garden?

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The Ark of the Covenant is the Lord

I was recently thinking about the existence and appearance of the Lord before his earthly incarnation and this has long been a puzzle to me.

It’s not that I doubt his previous existence because many scriptures confirm it, including the words of Jesus himself: “Before Abraham was, I AM” (John 8:58) But in what form did he exist and what happened when God the Son was born as a human being – was he still existent in the heavenlies or not?

I’m not going to tackle those questions. But one thing has become clear to me, involving the Ark of the Covenant.

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The Meaning Of The Last Supper

At this special time, coming up to Easter, when we remember the death and resurrection of our Lord, I thought it might be good to look at the events of the Last Supper, as see what they say to us of the Lord’s sacrifice and also how all of history led us to this moment.

To do so I am going to share a useful article from this website, A Different Spirit, a “Non-denominational Bible Teaching Ministry”

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Jesus Said He’d Come Back in the First Century AD?

On a number of occasions, Jesus was asked about, or offered information about, the timing of his return and on every occasion he seemed to imply that it would be within the lifetime of his disciples.

Tackling this seeming conundrum has produced acres of print, and my blog post really needs to be a book.

But I would suggest for anyone who wants to do more research, they look into the web pages at the bottom of the post, and also this book, available from Amazon and elsewhere:

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How God Prepared Me For Asbury

This is just my personal testimony, for something that happened last year. I now believe it was of God’s guidance to prepare me for what is going to happen as a result of the Asbury “revival”.

I have put the word revival in quotes because I believe a true revival is spontaneous (which this event was not) and is undergirded with sound biblical preaching of the bible truths (which this is not) and has the main aim and outcome of people being saved by the sacrifice of Jesus, or else brought to repentance of their sin, if they are worldly Christians (which this revival mostly doesn’t do).

For all this see the links below my post.

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Who *REALLY* is the Antichrist?

Ever since John wrote the Book of Revelation (given to him by Jesus Christ himself) there has been speculation, argument, discussion and endless theories as to “who is the Antichrist”? Is that really the most important thing we need to get from Revelation? But let’s proceed:

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The Earliest New Testament Manuscripts

As I wander round the Internet, especially in Facebook groups, I frequently see anti Christian comments that say “The bible wasn’t even written until the Middle Ages”. Of course we know that’s nonsense, but in order to correct it we need to have factual proof of the earliest date of the bible manuscripts.

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Five Errors of the NAR

It’s perhaps the fastest growing movement in the church today, but it deviates greatly from what the Bible teaches about our mission, our future and the endtimes. The movement often referred to as the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) relies more on experience and extra-biblical revelations than it does on the words of Scripture. The article below lays out five major errors of the NAR.

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