The Emotional Life of Jesus

What We Learn From The Emotional Life of Jesus

I’m watching the TV series “Jesus: His Life” on TV – I have reached episode four so far. I don’t totally recommend it, but you might like it. However, I am not here to promote the series but to explore some aspects of the life of Jesus that sprang out of it for me. Continue reading

What Jesus Gave Up

Jesus_Sheep-01Jesus laid down his life for us. We nod our heads and go uh-huh. But wait a moment; Jesus didn’t just give his life in DYING but in LIVING. What do I mean by that?

Have we become so familiar with the concept of the sacrificial DEATH of Jesus on the cross that we haven’t considered what his obedience cost him during the 30 years (or thereabouts) beforehand, during all those years of his LIFE? I would like you to consider that now, if you would. Continue reading

Dealing With Unwanted Thoughts

shoulder-devilAre you ever plagued by unwanted thoughts? Do suggestions, temptations, fears and worries come to your head even though in your heart you don’t believe them? It’s happened to me, and I recently found a way to repel them, which I want to share with you.

It’s just a very simplistic picture but it’s also true, and has the backing of scripture, so I share it in the hope it will help somebody. Continue reading