The Ark of the Covenant is the Lord

I was recently thinking about the existence and appearance of the Lord before his earthly incarnation and this has long been a puzzle to me.

It’s not that I doubt his previous existence because many scriptures confirm it, including the words of Jesus himself: “Before Abraham was, I AM” (John 8:58) But in what form did he exist and what happened when God the Son was born as a human being – was he still existent in the heavenlies or not?

I’m not going to tackle those questions. But one thing has become clear to me, involving the Ark of the Covenant.

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The Mystery of the Missing Dragon

Many believe that during the last days there is to be a blasphemous unholy “trinity” that mimics the Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In the book of Revelation we do see three satanic figures emerge, two from the earth and one (initially) in the skies, the heavenlies. Continue reading