Jesus Our Morning Star

Psalm 130 “My soul waits for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning.”

barkaiHere (left) we see illustrated a Temple Priest of the first century AD responding to the signal that “Day Has Dawned!” that is, “BARKAI”.

A specially appointed priest was sent to a high point [the so-called pinnacle of the Temple] to watch for the day’s dawning on the horizon.

When he did, he cried Barkai! See my full article on my website for more details

At that point, the Temple superintendent told the priest chosen by lot to go get the lamb for the morning sacrifice. This was the official start of the feast-day service.

However, it is worth remembering that, at Yom Kippur, the preparations have been underway long before that as far as the priests are concerned, from midnight or earlier. It is the public ceremonies that are heralded at the dawn of the day. Continue reading