Who & What is the “Man of Sin”?

Over the years I have struggled to find an exact definition of what “Man of Sin” (or, Lawlessness) actually means. [2 Thess 2:3] I know who he will be, but the term used to describe him in Thessalonians seemed vague. Also, what exactly does it describe about his actions?

We understand what a “Man of God” is, or for example, a “Man of Many Talents”. Therefore I feel what is lacking is a more precise definition of SIN itself. What does this man epitomize, and what is sin?

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Can You Withstand The Subtle Deception?

temptation-appleI have a growing concern that we will soon be put to the test, that we will be asked to live through the most challenging and dangerous spiritual trial ever known.

Are we shortly going to be presented with a deception so subtle and so engaging that it will seem irresistible? Continue reading

What Jesus Gave Up

Jesus_Sheep-01Jesus laid down his life for us. We nod our heads and go uh-huh. But wait a moment; Jesus didn’t just give his life in DYING but in LIVING. What do I mean by that?

Have we become so familiar with the concept of the sacrificial DEATH of Jesus on the cross that we haven’t considered what his obedience cost him during the 30 years (or thereabouts) beforehand, during all those years of his LIFE? I would like you to consider that now, if you would. Continue reading

The Question of Obedience

told-offMuch is said of grace, but little of service! We rejoice in love, mercy and forgiveness, we delight in the blessings and privileges of knowing God, but some of us hold back from a commitment to obey.

Obeying God isn’t optional! How many of us enjoy being Christian up to the point of being commanded to do something that our flesh dislikes? How many of us think there’s a middle way between total commitment to God’s service, and throwing off the yoke entirely – a middle way that suits us, because we only serve God when we feel like it? But the rest of the time we feel free to do pretty-much as we please.

It’s a shock for many Christians to find out they are SERVANTS (and that word translated from the Greek in the bible is actually SLAVES!). If that comes as somewhat of a shock to you, you’re not alone. Continue reading