Do You Ever Feel Unworthy?

I’m going to write something today that is intensely personal, but for a reason – to demonstrate the kindness and love of God.

I finally had that “penny-drop” moment this morning (it’s about time) where I realised something about myself – possibly this is true for many others – and about my relationship with God.

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Being Angry Isn’t Sinful

No, being angry in itself is not a sin. The bible says, BE angry but sin not (as a result of it.) “Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun set on your anger” (Ephesians 4:26). 

Did Jesus get angry? YES
Does God get angry? YES.
So, did they sin – of course not.

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Walk In The Light

Walk In The Light

Isaiah 2:5: “Come and let us walk in the light of the Lord.”

I just went to turn on my laptop, and today (unusually) the sun was shining right on it very brightly through the window. As the very bright rays of the sun hit the laptop I saw something I don’t normally see – that it was covered in fingermarks and dust. Continue reading

The Empty Chalkboard


You lie awake, tossing and turning, night after night the same;
Blaming yourself, but more so, those who are really to blame:
What they said and did to you, how cruel, mean and heartless,
Leaving you angry, sad, despairing, frustrated and totally hopeless.

Listing the slights and injuries they committed without shame once,
Against the meek and vulnerable, who bore it with all patience,
How they cut you deep inside, a trauma that cannot be healed,
Brooding pain and anger about raw wounds you have concealed. Continue reading