Overcoming The Accuser

resist-the-devilWe all know we have a mortal enemy, the devil. We experience his attacks, temptations, accusations and lies all the time – and we also know that his activity will increase exponentially towards the End of the Age.

The bible doesn’t mince words in describing just how widespread, powerful and persuasive the latter-day deceptions will become, such that “even the very elect” could be deceived by them. Are we not already seeing deception spreading in almost every large church and ministry? As well as deception, the devil aims accusations and lies at us all the time.

But we have not yet reached the endgame of the devil’s plan, so we have to know HOW to stand firm. Continue reading

Nailing My Rapture Colours To The Mast

The RaptureI am reluctantly joining the current pre-trib debate. I have hesitated very much in writing about this, as I know that most have already hardened into one side or the other, and I refuse to engage in pointless debate.

But after prayer, I read this [about a different topic] on a post to my Facebook “It is love to warn someone of deception and falsehood. It is a believer’s obligation if you know the truth to warn a brother or sister of deception and of wolves in sheep’s clothing. To say nothing at all is to not care about that person’s soul.” 

So I am going to post this, because I believe the time is right.

I’ve been noticing an escalation in the age-old rapture debate with people taking sides on what at first glance seems a trivial and even minor doctrine of scripture, compared to everything else in the gospel.

And the endless debate isn’t even about the FACT of the rapture, but its TIMING.

Now it’s getting even more unworthy of the Body of Christ, with some calling others heretics, and breaking fellowship, and even saying that anyone who doesn’t believe the classic pre-seven-year theory is ignorant, stupid, apathetic, backslidden or “will be left behind to suffer God’s wrath”. Where does such thinking and talking come from? It’s not from God!

I haven’t made the rapture timing a focus of my writings, because there are more important and less divisive things that need to be said. I hate confrontation and I am grieved by pointless sniping at the jots and tittles of doctrine. Didn’t God warn us against debating over words for no particular reason?

The Church started arguing over the rapture almost from day one! And how are we to respond? Let’s see what the bible commands….

[Please go to my website to read the remainder of this article. Click on the link.]