The Ark of the Covenant is the Lord

I was recently thinking about the existence and appearance of the Lord before his earthly incarnation and this has long been a puzzle to me.

It’s not that I doubt his previous existence because many scriptures confirm it, including the words of Jesus himself: “Before Abraham was, I AM” (John 8:58) But in what form did he exist and what happened when God the Son was born as a human being – was he still existent in the heavenlies or not?

I’m not going to tackle those questions. But one thing has become clear to me, involving the Ark of the Covenant.

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Identifying The Antichrist

AntichristNo, this is not going to be a post about who, at this stage of history, is the coming false messiah. I’ve seen enough guessing games to last me a lifetime!

In fact, it’s the opposite.

I have witnessed a growing trend on social media, where people – even non christians and agnostics – tend to label every sinister or evil person as the “antichrist”. These people have little to no biblical understanding of who he will be, in reality. Continue reading

Jesus Our Morning Star

Psalm 130 “My soul waits for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning.”

barkaiHere (left) we see illustrated a Temple Priest of the first century AD responding to the signal that “Day Has Dawned!” that is, “BARKAI”.

A specially appointed priest was sent to a high point [the so-called pinnacle of the Temple] to watch for the day’s dawning on the horizon.

When he did, he cried Barkai! See my full article on my website for more details

At that point, the Temple superintendent told the priest chosen by lot to go get the lamb for the morning sacrifice. This was the official start of the feast-day service.

However, it is worth remembering that, at Yom Kippur, the preparations have been underway long before that as far as the priests are concerned, from midnight or earlier. It is the public ceremonies that are heralded at the dawn of the day. Continue reading

The Matthew 24 Rapture Dilemma

The description of the endtimes in Matthew 24 has become a focus of attention in past months. It has been used to show the differences between the Rapture and the Second Coming.  

However it’s also been used to eliminate the Rapture and even the Church entirely from what Jesus said.

Some deny that Jesus was talking to Christians at all. They see no correlation between Matthew 24 and the Book of Revelation, and fix all the events Jesus mentioned during what they claim will be seven years of Tribulation. Although these beliefs are commonplace, are they actually supported by the bible text itself?

In Matthew 24 Jesus answered three questions asked by the disciples:

  1. When will the Temple be destroyed, no stone being left upon another
  2. What are the signs that you are coming back for us?
  3. What are the signs of the End and Final Judgement, and the setting-up of the earthly kingdom?

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The Mystery of the Missing Dragon

Many believe that during the last days there is to be a blasphemous unholy “trinity” that mimics the Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In the book of Revelation we do see three satanic figures emerge, two from the earth and one (initially) in the skies, the heavenlies. Continue reading