The Return 2020: of What and to What?

I dealt with this upcoming event, The Return 2020, in an earlier post, but the time is nearly upon us. There is now more information and more reason to be concerned, as you can see in the video on this page.

The event is turning out to be an ecumenical, nationalist and libertarian agenda to “take back your country” and ultimately the world – as the website for leader Dr. Chaps states. [See the video below for more information].

More worryingly, it is one more step in the New Age agenda to “return to the light” and prepare the way for a saviour figure to come and solve the world’s problems. Below is just one comment on a site that uses Christian terminology but has New Age roots. Continue reading

Jesus Our Morning Star

Psalm 130 “My soul waits for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning.”

barkaiHere (left) we see illustrated a Temple Priest of the first century AD responding to the signal that “Day Has Dawned!” that is, “BARKAI”.

A specially appointed priest was sent to a high point [the so-called pinnacle of the Temple] to watch for the day’s dawning on the horizon.

When he did, he cried Barkai! See my full article on my website for more details

At that point, the Temple superintendent told the priest chosen by lot to go get the lamb for the morning sacrifice. This was the official start of the feast-day service.

However, it is worth remembering that, at Yom Kippur, the preparations have been underway long before that as far as the priests are concerned, from midnight or earlier. It is the public ceremonies that are heralded at the dawn of the day. Continue reading

The Ten Days

ten daysWhat is the significance of the “ten days” mentioned in scripture? In particular, there is a rather mysterious mention of ten days of tribulation in Revelation 2:10. Nothing in scripture is purely arbitrary  or random so I have looked into what the ten days means.

Some hints in the Old Testament

The price of REDEMPTION was TEN gerahs,  half a shekel (Exo 30:12-16). This sum was the Atonement price for each individual, given to the Temple. Continue reading

Why Half An Hour’s Silence in Heaven?

readingtorahAfter the seventh seal is opened on the scroll in the Book of Revelation, there is “silence in heaven for half an hour”. (Rev 8:1)

So many people have commented on this fact, and there are so many suggestions about its meaning, that it’s bewildering. I too used to ponder on its meaning… until…

I had decided to explore the idea of the Book of Revelation being arranged within the framework of a Jewish Feast, Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement (which seems apt, since the contents of the Book are about the final redemption.) Continue reading