The Persistence of Error

Nothing is quite as powerful or resistant to change as belief. That is a good thing when the belief is founded on truth and God-given fact, such as the scriptures.

Although the devil comes up with seemingly irrefutable evidence to contradict God and his word – as he did when he tested the Lord Jesus in the desert – just like Jesus we can answer him with the bible truths that are everlasting and not susceptible to change or alteration.

On the other hand, when a firmly held belief is contrary to the facts, it becomes a snare from which it is difficult to escape.

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The Subtle Deception

SniperAs we all know, there’s been a build-up to September’s supposed apocalyptic events including exercises like Jade Helm, which ended on the 15th with no discernible damage to the population. What’s going on?

Why has the expectation of Americans (in particular) been stirred up with talk of secret tunnels, Government stockpiling of equipment and food, martial law, internment camps, gun control, the need to flee from disaster, and much more? This goes along with the fear of a vicious campaign to eradicate Christianity. Continue reading

Pope Francis: Visions, Prophecies and the Bible

adoring the new popeToday as I came to prepare my blog about the new pope, I re-opened a note I’d made a week or so previously, and had never finished. Now, it seems even more relevant, so I will start off with what I wrote then:
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