Common Mistakes We Make About Genesis

I’d like to address a couple of common errors people make when they talk about events in Genesis. Perhaps you do this, and it’s easy to just copy what others say without checking it out. Certainly the world makes many assumptions, from which they pour scorn on Genesis, but also Christians repeat some of the same errors.

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That Halloween Debate Again

In an attempt to do the impossible, I am going to try to present the truth about Halloween, in the hopes that more Christians will stop “celebrating” it in any way. It is not possible to Christianise a pagan festival, and one so rooted in death and the afterlife is extra hard to clean up sufficiently to make it acceptable to believers and their children.

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The Great Apostasy – of Christians?

I realise this post may be contentious and it’s not my desire to start a heated discussion, but at this time in our history I think it’s important to ask the question and seek God’s word for the answer: is it possible for a Christian to fall away from the faith?

From all my reading of the bible, it seems to me God has amply warned about losing the free gift of salvation. That is because it is received by FAITH, and if faith turns to unbelief, and even worse, the worship of another god (idols, the world, self, alternative beliefs etc) then salvation is being shoved back on the shelf and replaced by something that perhaps seems similar but is not God’s truth.

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The Christ I Never Met At Church

By Cheryl McGrath “Bread for the Bride

For the Son of God, Christ Jesus, who was preached among you by us…2 Cor. 1:19

In 2001, after forty years of regular attendance, and at Holy Spirit’s leading, I ceased participating in the institutional church (IC). I know that many who follow Bread for the Bride have a similar story. I am grateful for all I learned during those years with the IC and I know that God had His purpose for that season. But rarely, if ever, in any IC setting, did I hear the preaching of Christ.

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Should the Book of Enoch be in the Bible?

Recently I have seen many people (both Christians and non-Christians) arguing for the inclusion of the Book of Enoch in the bible, indeed, demanding to know why this book was not included. As you will see, there are many valid reasons why this Book is not “canonical”, that is, cannot be accepted as the inspired work of the Holy Spirit.

The Book of Enoch was known of and quoted from the earliest centuries, but the publication, in the early 1950s, of the first Aramaic fragments of 1 Enoch among the Dead Sea Scrolls profoundly changed the study of the document, as it provided evidence of its antiquity and original text. The official translation of all Enoch fragments appeared in 1976, by Jozef Milik.

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Who Is The Man of Sin?

Further to my previous post showing that the Man of Sin will arise “from out of the midst” I want to make the point (demonstrated in Revelation as well as Thessalonians) that the Man of Sin is the False Prophet, not the “Beast” from the abyss.

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Why Was The Tree of Knowledge in Eden?

I’m going to throw out some thoughts about the original creation, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which as we know was forbidden fruit on orders of God. So the question that arises is, why did God put it in the Garden?

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The Meaning Of The Last Supper

At this special time, coming up to Easter, when we remember the death and resurrection of our Lord, I thought it might be good to look at the events of the Last Supper, as see what they say to us of the Lord’s sacrifice and also how all of history led us to this moment.

To do so I am going to share a useful article from this website, A Different Spirit, a “Non-denominational Bible Teaching Ministry”

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Who *REALLY* is the Antichrist?

Ever since John wrote the Book of Revelation (given to him by Jesus Christ himself) there has been speculation, argument, discussion and endless theories as to “who is the Antichrist”? Is that really the most important thing we need to get from Revelation? But let’s proceed:

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What Do Angels *really* Look Like?

My task in this article is to dispel the common myth that angels have wings and halos. This has come into popular belief through many paintings, drawings and depictions throughout the ages, not to speak of movies and other media.

However, what we need to do is look at the truth in the bible, not modern media.

One popular modern interpretation is shown in the image above, an “angel” not only with wings and glowing light, but as a woman. This is often the case in today’s images.

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Do You Ever Feel Unworthy?

I’m going to write something today that is intensely personal, but for a reason – to demonstrate the kindness and love of God.

I finally had that “penny-drop” moment this morning (it’s about time) where I realised something about myself – possibly this is true for many others – and about my relationship with God.

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Born Again – What, and WHY?

You must be born again” (John chapter 3:7). But why, how, and what does it actually entail? I think many Christians see that phrase “born again” merely as another way of saying “become a Christian” and of course the world’s media has thoroughly corrupted the phrase as well, [likewise the word “charismatic”] so that the original meaning has been swamped by modern ideas.

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Salvation is Impossible

Matthew 19:24 Bible quote

It’s not just difficult to qualify for salvation – it’s impossible! That is the truth we learn from the plight of the “rich young ruler” a man with enough money and influence to consider himself qualified in the eyes of Jesus, but sadly he learned the opposite.

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Don’t Miss the REAL Antichrist

We all use terms that we understand and apply to biblical events, although the word itself doesn’t appear in the bible. For example, we all say “Rapture” and apply it to the “catching away” of believers in the last days. The word ‘rapture’ is not in the modern English translations of the bible however.

Likewise, the word “millennium” does not appear in the Bible. It comes from two Latin words, “mille” and “-ennium,” which together simply mean “a thousand years.”

We all say “Antichrist” and it’s become detached from its original scriptural use and become a cultural trope misapplied by almost everyone who uses it colloquially and on social media these days. We are in danger now of missing the real Antichrist because of this muddle.

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The Waters of Meribah Today

When a thought pops into my head, I wonder why, and then I do some research around it. A few days ago I suddenly thought “The waters of Meribah” so of course that set me off. I read the bible text, [Numbers 20:2-13] then a few online commentaries.

But what is the significance of this passage for us today?

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The Son of God is Yahweh

Do we believe what the bible says, and what Jesus himself told us, or not? He testified that NO ONE has seen God the Father, EVER, at ANY TIME!

Who then fellowshipped with Adam and Eve in the Garden? Who did Moses see on the Mount? With whom did Moses speak in the burning bush (who affirmed himself as the IAM, Yahweh). There are many similar passages in the Old Testament.

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Stop Seeing Jesus as a Man

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” (Prov 9:10)

This has been my experience in the past few days. My perception of God has recently changed – widened and deepened – in a way that I think many of us might need. I needed to stop seeing my Lord as the earthly Jesus in robes and long hair, even though of course he was that – but he is SO much more!!

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Are Fruitless Christians Removed? Or Restored?

In reading John Chapter 15:1-14 where Jesus uses an analogy of himself as the vine, and those connected to him as branches of the vine, most translations tell us that unfruitful branches are “removed” or “taken away”.

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I Was a (Spiritual) Hoarder

When I started praying for cleansing and renewal, little did I realise what God would show me. Like a hoarder, I had been hanging onto things from my distant past as well as my present life.

Suddenly I saw myself as a house, the house in which I lived, and that house was crammed with garbage that attracted flies and rats. I had kept things that were no longer any use to me, thinking they were too precious to let go, but worse, I had stored up so many emotions, buried them under layers of trivia, thinking perhaps they would be useful to me eventually.

I also wondered if – like genuine hoarders – there was a sense of keeping things of my life around me to offer me some kind of protection against further hurt or disappointment.

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By the Water and the Blood

What is meant by 1 John 5:6 “water and blood”? What is the water and what is the blood? What does “He came by water and blood” mean?

This article is by David Reagan, and is found here: “The Water and Blood

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