Christmas Concepts: A Look at the Facts

As it’s coming up to one of the most important dates in the Christian Calendar, December 25th, I thought I’d take a brief look at some of the misconceptions surrounding the biblical accounts of the birth of Jesus. We ought to be accurate about what the bible actually teaches us, not follow commonly held assumptions or out-and-out myths. I will look at five questions:

  • What date was Jesus born?
  • What year was Jesus born?
  • Where was Jesus born?
  • When did the Magi visit?
  • What do angels look like?
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The Christ I Never Met At Church

By Cheryl McGrath “Bread for the Bride

For the Son of God, Christ Jesus, who was preached among you by us…2 Cor. 1:19

In 2001, after forty years of regular attendance, and at Holy Spirit’s leading, I ceased participating in the institutional church (IC). I know that many who follow Bread for the Bride have a similar story. I am grateful for all I learned during those years with the IC and I know that God had His purpose for that season. But rarely, if ever, in any IC setting, did I hear the preaching of Christ.

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The Ark of the Covenant is the Lord

I was recently thinking about the existence and appearance of the Lord before his earthly incarnation and this has long been a puzzle to me.

It’s not that I doubt his previous existence because many scriptures confirm it, including the words of Jesus himself: “Before Abraham was, I AM” (John 8:58) But in what form did he exist and what happened when God the Son was born as a human being – was he still existent in the heavenlies or not?

I’m not going to tackle those questions. But one thing has become clear to me, involving the Ark of the Covenant.

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The Meaning Of The Last Supper

At this special time, coming up to Easter, when we remember the death and resurrection of our Lord, I thought it might be good to look at the events of the Last Supper, as see what they say to us of the Lord’s sacrifice and also how all of history led us to this moment.

To do so I am going to share a useful article from this website, A Different Spirit, a “Non-denominational Bible Teaching Ministry”

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Do You Ever Feel Unworthy?

I’m going to write something today that is intensely personal, but for a reason – to demonstrate the kindness and love of God.

I finally had that “penny-drop” moment this morning (it’s about time) where I realised something about myself – possibly this is true for many others – and about my relationship with God.

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Born Again – What, and WHY?

You must be born again” (John chapter 3:7). But why, how, and what does it actually entail? I think many Christians see that phrase “born again” merely as another way of saying “become a Christian” and of course the world’s media has thoroughly corrupted the phrase as well, [likewise the word “charismatic”] so that the original meaning has been swamped by modern ideas.

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Follow God, not Man

We have arrived at a time in history when celebrities, influencers (as well as unknown hopefuls) crave followers. They will do almost anything, including foolish and dangerous things; they will say almost anything regardless of the consequences, in the rabid pursuit of followers. People today are judged not so much by their actions but by their number of followers online.

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The Armour is God’s Not Ours

We are familiar with the verse that urges us to “put on the full armour of God” [Ephesians 6:10-17 British spelling throughout] but I got new light on those verses when I realised the obvious fact that all this armour isn’t ours – by striving, effort, mental/spirit achievement, or anything else that is human.

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The Problem of Unanswered Prayer

How To Cope With Unanswered Prayer: The bulk of this post is from a website and magazine called “Just Between Us“. I found it useful so I wanted to share it with you. The reason is, lately I have struggled with the problem of prayers that seemingly go unanswered.

(I know little to nothing about the website this post comes from, nor its owners, so I encourage you to visit it for yourselves if you would like to know more.)

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Attacked by the Accuser

The devil is rightly called the “accuser of the brethren” (Revelation 12:10) and his tactics are to bring believers into fear and condemnation. His works are increasing in these last days, so maybe there is something to be learned from what happened to me last night.

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Being Angry Isn’t Sinful

No, being angry in itself is not a sin. The bible says, BE angry but sin not (as a result of it.) “Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun set on your anger” (Ephesians 4:26). 

Did Jesus get angry? YES
Does God get angry? YES.
So, did they sin – of course not.

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Our Crimes Nailed to the Cross

Are you aware that DEATH is the penalty for your activities since your natural birth, simply as a result of being born as a fallen human being, the child of Adam? Not just mortal death, but eternal death – being cut off from the love and life of God for ever.

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Things are Shaking – What is Coming?

The Lord says, “In a little while I will shake the heavens and the earth once more. I will also shake the ocean and the dry land. I will shake all the nations. Then what is desired by all nations will come to my temple. And I will fill the temple with glory,” says the Lord who rules over all. (Haggai 2:6-7 NIRV)

Days of turmoil, uncertainty and pressure are upon us. Some are buckling under the strain and doubting God, but almost everyone is aware of the changing nature of the life we are now experiencing.

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We Are Already Married to Jesus Christ!

As I was browsing Quora for an entirely different reason, I came across this statement, which blessed me and caused me to think beyond it to the Rapture and the Bride of Christ. Here’s the original question and the answer:

Why did Joseph take Mary with him to Bethlehem when they weren’t even married and there was no need for her to go?

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The Lamb in the Manger

A LAMB BORN IN BETHLEHEM: Who were the shepherds of Bethlehem that greeted Jesus at the time of his birth? What were the lambs born in Bethlehem used for? When was the Lamb of God really born? The full article below provides astonishing background information of these things.

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Did Noah Take 120 Years to Build the Ark?

One of the most repeated bible myths is that Noah took 120 years to build the Ark. I have heard many Christians and even bible teachers and Pastors state this without bothering to check if it’s true. Yet it is easily disproven, not by speculation or guesswork, but by the very bible text itself.

The truth is, Noah only spent a few years building the ark, far fewer than 120 and probably around five years or less. How do I know that? The bible tells me!

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Finding Peace in the Midst of the Storm

Last night, becoming more and more aware of the devil’s opposition to the truth in every area, I was reminded of three biblical examples of the Lord’s promise of protection.

We need to know these truths in the growing darkness.

Despite all the prophetic rhetoric about revival, awakening, recovery, renewal and a new earth filled with righteousness, what is actually taking over the “seven mountains” of the world’s spheres of influence is not biblical Christianity at all.

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Born Again – Again!

This is a strange title I know, but it refers to something in my life that was and is important, especially at this time in history. I will try to explain that in due course.

This is about surrender, commitment and trust. These are the vital elements of our faith in the finished work on the Cross. We are saved by our faith in who Jesus is and what he accomplished on our behalf, but faith is not faith unless it involves trust, commitment and surrender.

For many, and in some ways for me, absolute surrender was challenging.

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The Parting of the Ways: Truth or Lies?

Mental impulses can be more persuasive than rational strategy because of their emotional drive. They can recruit you into an alternative system of thinking that defies rationality. [Source]

We have come to a parting of the ways, a dividing in the pathway of life. This is true as much for Christians as anyone else. As always, what it boils down to is the needs of the flesh, as opposed to the voice of God.

This is a division created by the Devil and fuelled by his lies, in preparation for his grand endtimes rescue plan.

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What is ‘Normal’?

These days, many of us long to “go back to normal”. But in spiritual terms, the condition of our lives isn’t – and never was – normal at all.

This realisation came for me when I started thinking about God the Father, his Being, his Nature and his existence before the Universe (not an easy task!!).

However, one positive result of thinking about God, and Heaven was this: before mankind existed, and before things went lopsided with the fall of Lucifer, there was a state of PERFECTION. Perfect love, unity, order, direction, understanding – perfect everything. And THAT my friends is NORMALITY.

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