The Holy Spirit Will NOT “Be Removed”


I know this will be contentious, especially with those who trust in a pre-trib Rapture, but we owe it to ourselves to believe what the Word of God says, not base our hopes on anything else. So I beg you to read this with an open mind.

The passage I will refer to is found in Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians, chapter two.

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Jesus Said He’d Come Back in the First Century AD?

On a number of occasions, Jesus was asked about, or offered information about, the timing of his return and on every occasion he seemed to imply that it would be within the lifetime of his disciples.

Tackling this seeming conundrum has produced acres of print, and my blog post really needs to be a book.

But I would suggest for anyone who wants to do more research, they look into the web pages at the bottom of the post, and also this book, available from Amazon and elsewhere:

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2023 – Jubilee Year?

I had intended to write about the biblical Jubilee, and how the Jewish year that began in the Autumn of 2022 and takes us into 2023 is reckoned by some to be a Jubilee year.

I found in my research that there was way too much information for a simple blog article here, and too many shades of opinion, so I did not want to appear as if I were making a stand one way or the other.

However, for your interest I am going to share one article I found that contains interesting information that I believe is worth your time to read. I came across this on the internet, do not know about the ministry, and am not promoting or even necessarily endorsing this couple. You must judge for yourselves.

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Kat Kerr, the Pink-Haired Prophetess

I have been taken to Heaven since 1996, about three times a week; so if you want to multiply it, that’s probably how many times I’ve been, I’ve lost count…” [Quote from Divine Encounter II Disc 1 #10 by Kat Kerr]

For this article I am indebted to several writers, whose words I have collated and abridged. They are listed at the end of the post along with direct quotes from Kat Kerr’s videos and books. There you will also find links to a few of the many videos of Kat Kerr and her beliefs.

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The Dominion Agenda

There are many excellent blogs and youtubes and articles these days exposing error, and they all have their place. They usually examine in depth one of the many false teachers, pastors, “apostles” or prophets that proliferate all over the TV and Internet, not to speak of megachurches (especially in America.)

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Is It The Birthpangs?

I think it’s a useful idea, given current events, to examine the biblical “birthpangs” or the “beginning of sorrows”. We might actually be moving into that time of history, or indeed have been there for quite a while already. Let’s see.

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The Coming Great Rebellion

In my current re-reading of the Book of Revelation I developed a curiosity about how much overlap there was with the events of AD70 when Jerusalem was destroyed. I also considered Daniel’s statue alongside the similar Beast of Revelation and therefore thought about the continuation of Rome into our own time (in thought and deed, if not in fact.)

I am not a Historicist, much less a Preterist, but at the same time I am not close-minded about the types and shadows that occur many times in the bible prophecies.

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The Lamb in the Manger

A LAMB BORN IN BETHLEHEM: Who were the shepherds of Bethlehem that greeted Jesus at the time of his birth? What were the lambs born in Bethlehem used for? When was the Lamb of God really born? The full article below provides astonishing background information of these things.

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When Is The Rapture?

With events escalating worldwide, Christians are thinking more and more about the Coming of the Lord. However, a very large portion of the Church adamantly professes a “pre-trib rapture”, by which they mean that Christians will suddenly and unexpectedly be taken out of the earth before anything remotely unpleasant can happen to them.

That is such a comforting belief that it’s believed by many, including myself for the greater part of my Christian life.

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Who & What is the “Man of Sin”?

Over the years I have struggled to find an exact definition of what “Man of Sin” (or, Lawlessness) actually means. [2 Thess 2:3] I know who he will be, but the term used to describe him in Thessalonians seemed vague. Also, what exactly does it describe about his actions?

We understand what a “Man of God” is, or for example, a “Man of Many Talents”. Therefore I feel what is lacking is a more precise definition of SIN itself. What does this man epitomize, and what is sin?

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The Persistence of Error

Nothing is quite as powerful or resistant to change as belief. That is a good thing when the belief is founded on truth and God-given fact, such as the scriptures.

Although the devil comes up with seemingly irrefutable evidence to contradict God and his word – as he did when he tested the Lord Jesus in the desert – just like Jesus we can answer him with the bible truths that are everlasting and not susceptible to change or alteration.

On the other hand, when a firmly held belief is contrary to the facts, it becomes a snare from which it is difficult to escape.

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Righteousness & Truth Are Not Optional

Many of you will have read the title and thought, well obviously. However, these days it’s unfortunately not obvious, even for bible-literate Christians, that doing the right thing, and acting truthfully and honourably, is part and parcel of being a Christian.

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Christmas Star or Evil Omen?

When Jesus spoke of signs in the sun moon and stars in the last days, [Luke 21:25] he wasn’t talking about astrology. But the heavens that he created do sometimes provide a herald of things to come, as in the star that the Magi followed to reach Bethlehem shortly after his birth.

There are at least three major astronomy events in December 2020 and they are causing a stir amongst believers and unbelievers alike.

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MY way or the HIGH way?

Soon, the way the world is heading, Christians will have a stark choice: go along with the nonsense of the thrilling world-healing plan (that is man-made and excludes the return of Jesus Christ) or stay true to the bible plan of salvation – faith that leads to a heavenly destination.

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The Restrainer Will Not Be Removed

RestraintI have recently been thinking about Paul’s reference to The Restrainer in his letter to the Thessalonians. It’s been a matter of much speculation over the years as to who or what is restraining the evil that will bring forth the Man of Sin.

I am not much closer to an answer, although most people believe it is either the Holy Spirit, the Church, or the Government that restrains evil, so preventing the appearance of the one we call Antichrist.

In researching the passage, however, I came across some books and website studies that helped me translate more accurately the verse that suggests the Restrainer must be “taken out of the way” in the endtimes. Continue reading

The Third Temple Could Be Built Immediately

I recently watched the video below, with some hesitation and skepticism. However, having seen it – and then researched the subject and read portions of Ernest Martin’s book (link below) I am convinced.

The original, biblical Temple was NOT situated on the Temple Mount but in the City of David alongside, by the spring Gihon.

The video – and even more so the articles and books – give verse after verse in the bible, as well as quotes from historians such as Josephus who knew the location of Herod’s Temple, to confirm the facts in the video. Continue reading

God’s Direction During Times of Crisis


I have been praying much about what to say in my blog during this pandemic. I wanted to offer some hope, some true word of God, some comfort, some direction – but I have been drawing a blank each time.

It’s not that there isn’t hope, faith and comfort aplenty in the bible, but I wanted to share something relevant and specific, and not just general platitudes.

I’d like to tell you that, as Christians, we will be protected and spared from all suffering but (unlike some false teachers in the churches) I’m not going to lie to you and tell you you’re immune. Continue reading

The Prospect of a Pandemic

Four Horsemen

Sometime around the tragedy that was 9/11, I started work on a series about the Four Seals of Revelation Chapter Six. Little did I know that events would subsequently occur that seemed to add confirmation upon confirmation that the four seals were actually being loosed in our day.

Today I have updated the series, in particular the article on the Fourth Seal, to cover the news of a disease that is now affecting most of the world – the coronavirus known as COVID-19.

For those of you not familiar with the articles, here are my website links:

Please bear in mind that most of this series of articles was written many years ago.  I have made some guesses, based on prophecy and known events, especially with regard to Israel. We need to keep watching and praying because there may be much more to come – God willing!

The Apostate Church: The Modern-Day Judas?


The Judas Kiss

The story of Judas Iscariot and his betrayal of Jesus may seem like a “one-off” in history, never to be repeated. Yet there is a way of seeing this man and what he did in a broader sense as the ultimate betrayal of the Body of Christ now on earth.

The path that Jesus took towards the cross, in perfect submission to the will of the Father, can be seen as the path his Body must take at the End. And, the motivation and actions of Judas can been seen as the blueprint for another more widespread betrayal in the last days. Continue reading

2020: How Near Are We?

How Near Are We?I’m not a follower of prophecies and visions, especially in these days when so many bizarre “words from God” are nonsense, and easily disproved. Today these so-called prophesies emphasise the victory and glory of the Church, and its preparation for a global revival. However, there ARE a few genuine instances of prophecy that have stood the test of time. After all, the bible says that the hallmark of a genuine prophet is that what is said comes to pass. (Deut. 18:22; Jer. 28:9; Ezek. 33:33). Continue reading