The Great Apostasy – of Christians?

I realise this post may be contentious and it’s not my desire to start a heated discussion, but at this time in our history I think it’s important to ask the question and seek God’s word for the answer: is it possible for a Christian to fall away from the faith?

From all my reading of the bible, it seems to me God has amply warned about losing the free gift of salvation. That is because it is received by FAITH, and if faith turns to unbelief, and even worse, the worship of another god (idols, the world, self, alternative beliefs etc) then salvation is being shoved back on the shelf and replaced by something that perhaps seems similar but is not God’s truth.

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Jesus Said He’d Come Back in the First Century AD?

On a number of occasions, Jesus was asked about, or offered information about, the timing of his return and on every occasion he seemed to imply that it would be within the lifetime of his disciples.

Tackling this seeming conundrum has produced acres of print, and my blog post really needs to be a book.

But I would suggest for anyone who wants to do more research, they look into the web pages at the bottom of the post, and also this book, available from Amazon and elsewhere:

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We Are Already Married to Jesus Christ!

As I was browsing Quora for an entirely different reason, I came across this statement, which blessed me and caused me to think beyond it to the Rapture and the Bride of Christ. Here’s the original question and the answer:

Why did Joseph take Mary with him to Bethlehem when they weren’t even married and there was no need for her to go?

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False Prophets & False Christs Are HERE

 “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand. “(Matthew 24:23-27)

Jesus warned us in advance. How many of us have wondered over the years exactly what the “false christs” would be, because we have seen many false prophets, but until recently we had not seen believable false christs. However, now we are seeing more and more appearances – supposedly – of Jesus, in ways that are attracting believers by the thousands.

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Christmas Star or Evil Omen?

When Jesus spoke of signs in the sun moon and stars in the last days, [Luke 21:25] he wasn’t talking about astrology. But the heavens that he created do sometimes provide a herald of things to come, as in the star that the Magi followed to reach Bethlehem shortly after his birth.

There are at least three major astronomy events in December 2020 and they are causing a stir amongst believers and unbelievers alike.

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The Parting of the Ways: Truth or Lies?

Mental impulses can be more persuasive than rational strategy because of their emotional drive. They can recruit you into an alternative system of thinking that defies rationality. [Source]

We have come to a parting of the ways, a dividing in the pathway of life. This is true as much for Christians as anyone else. As always, what it boils down to is the needs of the flesh, as opposed to the voice of God.

This is a division created by the Devil and fuelled by his lies, in preparation for his grand endtimes rescue plan.

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Noahide Laws – A Dangerous Proposal

It is our duty to force all mankind to accept the seven Noahide laws, and if not—they will be killed.” (Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg, Ma’ariv, October 6, 2004)

The penalty for violating any of these Noahide Laws is spelled out on page 1192 of the Encyclopedia Judaica, … ‘violation of any one of the seven laws subjects the Noahide to capital punishment by decapitation’.”

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A New John Baptist

We know that just before the public appearance of Jesus on earth, there was a herald preparing the way.

He was John, but – as Jesus himself confirmed – he was also a type of Elijah who was prophesied to come before the Lord’s appearance. (Elijah will indeed come as one of the two witnesses, just before the Second Coming of Jesus.)

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MY way or the HIGH way?

Soon, the way the world is heading, Christians will have a stark choice: go along with the nonsense of the thrilling world-healing plan (that is man-made and excludes the return of Jesus Christ) or stay true to the bible plan of salvation – faith that leads to a heavenly destination.

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The Return 2020: of What and to What?

I dealt with this upcoming event, The Return 2020, in an earlier post, but the time is nearly upon us. There is now more information and more reason to be concerned, as you can see in the video on this page.

The event is turning out to be an ecumenical, nationalist and libertarian agenda to “take back your country” and ultimately the world – as the website for leader Dr. Chaps states. [See the video below for more information].

More worryingly, it is one more step in the New Age agenda to “return to the light” and prepare the way for a saviour figure to come and solve the world’s problems. Below is just one comment on a site that uses Christian terminology but has New Age roots. Continue reading

False Revival Important Update

When I wrote my article about a false revival (here) a couple of days ago, I had missed a significant fact that I now need to share.

The title of the E5-ll video that I included was called “The Return 2020: A Great Revival? Or A Great Deception?” and the only part at that time that struck me was the similarity to what the Lord had been showing me about a false revival in the pipeline.

I did not know (because I didn’t connect the title with anything more than revival) was that The Return 2020 is actually a planned revival event that is to take place nationwide and worldwide according to its website.

Had I known that I would have included it in my first article, but I’m adding it here because it ties right in with what I had said. I am now even more disturbed about coming events this Autumn. Continue reading

No, the Beast is NOT Here: A Response to Celeste Solum

Commentary from E5-11 Ministry: One of the main points I was making in my “What’s Really Coming” series was that the New World Order is NOT the Beast of Revelation 13, and that what the conspiracy community had been talking about and exposing for decades was not the beast kingdom but rather a counterfeit.

The destruction of this counterfeit NWO (if that were possible) would lead to a FALSE peace, a faked renaissance; in actual fact it would be the time of “peace and security” that the apostle Paul said would come just before the “sudden destruction” – falling upon a unsuspecting world that had unwittingly embraced and worshiped the beast (1 Thess. 5:3). Continue reading

Great Awakening or Great Delusion?


Awakening is a term coined by Qanon and others who proclaim vengeance on the secretive powers controlling the world who have supposedly turned humanity into passive sheep.

They are calling their followers to “take the red pill” (a reference to the movie Matrix) awaken from slumber and rise up against their foes. Continue reading

The Restrainer Will Not Be Removed

RestraintI have recently been thinking about Paul’s reference to The Restrainer in his letter to the Thessalonians. It’s been a matter of much speculation over the years as to who or what is restraining the evil that will bring forth the Man of Sin.

I am not much closer to an answer, although most people believe it is either the Holy Spirit, the Church, or the Government that restrains evil, so preventing the appearance of the one we call Antichrist.

In researching the passage, however, I came across some books and website studies that helped me translate more accurately the verse that suggests the Restrainer must be “taken out of the way” in the endtimes. Continue reading

Identifying The Antichrist

AntichristNo, this is not going to be a post about who, at this stage of history, is the coming false messiah. I’ve seen enough guessing games to last me a lifetime!

In fact, it’s the opposite.

I have witnessed a growing trend on social media, where people – even non christians and agnostics – tend to label every sinister or evil person as the “antichrist”. These people have little to no biblical understanding of who he will be, in reality. Continue reading

RFID and the Mark of the Beast

barcode mark

In the early 80’s I bought two books by Mary Stewart Relfe that dealt with the coming 666 “mark of the beast” endtime money system and allied technologies, such as bar codes.

Bar codes, you see, had a start/middle/stop signal for the reader that was also, coincidentally, the signal for the number 6. So, three sixes.

That has never stopped me using products with a barcode. Now, if you ask me do I think barcodes will eventually be part of the antichrist deception of the endtimes, my answer would problably be yes. But still today I have no worries about the barcodes on everything in my fridge; I think nothing of it. Continue reading

2020: How Near Are We?

How Near Are We?I’m not a follower of prophecies and visions, especially in these days when so many bizarre “words from God” are nonsense, and easily disproved. Today these so-called prophesies emphasise the victory and glory of the Church, and its preparation for a global revival. However, there ARE a few genuine instances of prophecy that have stood the test of time. After all, the bible says that the hallmark of a genuine prophet is that what is said comes to pass. (Deut. 18:22; Jer. 28:9; Ezek. 33:33). Continue reading

The Days of Noah, Lot and Today

Remember Lot's WifeJesus referred to two events to illustrate the condition of the world just before his return: Noah’s flood and the destruction of Sodom in Lot’s day. What are the similarities, and what can we learn for ourselves about these events?

As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. [Matthew 24:37-39] Continue reading

When God Withdraws

saul rejectedI want you to consider that God can and will draw back from this world, perhaps in a time not far distant, and then evil [which has always been present but lacked opportunity] will take advantage of its liberty from restraint and increase exponentially – making judgement inevitable.

My blog post today is about a transition from one phase to another; both good and bad.

It entails both a turnaround for believers, with greater liberty to speak out, but alongside that a hardening of hearts and an increase in wilful blindness for those who shun the truth. Continue reading

Can Politicians Bring About Biblical Morality?

I remember a moment, as clear as if it happened yesterday, although it was about 40 years ago (!) and it prepared me for what is happening today. Indeed, it was crucial, even though I did not know it at the time. Thank you Lord.

Fast-forward to today. I watched a short video [thanks to OnesimusFiles] that examined today’s political and religious events in America (America principally, but also affecting the rest of the world). That too recalled the truths I refer to above. Both roots sprang up together – because everything in our lives is ordered by God. Continue reading